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First Command

We will dissect a basic command. If you installed a new project via the cli, This is the ping command located in src/commands folder.


TLDR: command modules are discord bot commands. There are many types, and each one will correspond to an event from discord. For example, CommandType.Slash commands will listen to slash command interactions.

import Tabs from '@theme/Tabs'; import TabItem from '@theme/TabItem';

const { CommandType, commandModule } = require('@sern/handler');

export default commandModule({
type: CommandType.Both,
plugins: [],
description: 'A ping command',
// alias : [],
execute: async (ctx, args) => {
await ctx.reply('Pong 🏓');
import { commandModule, CommandType } from '@sern/handler';

export default commandModule({
type: CommandType.Both,
plugins: [],
description: 'A ping command',
// alias : [],
execute: async (ctx, args) => {
await ctx.reply({ content: 'Pong 🏓' });

To view what each of these properties mean in depth, visit the official documentation.

Types of command modules

Every command module type is part of an enum. This field allows type inference for the rest of a module's fields.
All the command types can be found in the official documentation!

So, lets say you want to make a command module that listens to modals.

Note: Keep in mind you'll need to send a modal with a custom id dm-me. This example below is the response to a modal being sent.

const { CommandType, commandModule } = require('@sern/handler');
exports.default = commandModule({
name: 'dm-me',
type: CommandType.Modal,
async execute (modal) {
const value = modal.fields.getTextInputValue('message');
modal.client.users.fetch('182326315813306368').then( u =>
u.send(value + ` from ${modal.user}`)
modal.reply( { ephemeral:true, content: 'Sent' })
import { commandModule, CommandType } from '@sern/handler';
export default commandModule({
name: 'dm-me',
type: CommandType.Modal,
async execute (modal) {
const value = modal.fields.getTextInputValue('message');
modal.client.users.fetch('182326315813306368').then( u =>
u.send(value + ` from ${modal.user}`)
modal.reply( { ephemeral:true, content: 'Sent' })

Commands are straight forward. Keep in mind, every other property on the commandModule object is optional except the type and execute function.

Context class

The provided Context class helps with modules of CommandType.Both (A mixture of slash / legacy commands).

The Context class is passed into modules with type:

  • CommandType.Both
  • CommandType.Slash
  • CommandType.Text

This data structure helps interop between legacy commands and slash commands with ease.