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Usage: sern commands clear [options]
Clear and reset commands-data-remote.json and the api
-y, --yes Say yes to all prompts
-e, --env [path] Supply a path to a .env
-h, --help display help for command


The clear command is a utility that resets all of your commands. It’s useful if you accidentally publish the wrong command, such as publishing a guild command globally.

The clear command works by sending an empty array via the PUT route to the Discord API, for each guild and globally.

To use this command, ensure you have a proper .env file in your root directory:



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sern commands clear


  • The clear command will prompt you to confirm the action. You can bypass this by using the -y flag.
  • The clear command will automatically read a .env file in the working directory. If you need to override this, you can use the -e flag to supply a path to a different .env file.