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This is version 3 api only!!


TLDR: The direct upgrade to useContainer. if you set up a bot with create-bot, check dependencies.d.ts. Dependencies are the types that Services uses.

You need someway to use dependencies in your command module. Services to the rescue!

import { CoreDependencies, Singleton } from '@sern/handler'
import { Client } from 'discord.js'

interface Dependencies extends CoreDependencies {
'@sern/client': Singleton<Client>

Recall, some keys in Dependencies are special.

Special key dependency must implement its contracts.

  • @sern/client: Your discord client. -> Emitter
  • @sern/logger: Log data -> Logging
  • @sern/errors: Handling errors and lifetime -> ErrorHandling
  • @sern/modules: Managing all command modules -> ModuleManager
  • @sern/emitter: is the key to emit events and occurences in a project -> Emitter

Lets try to access the client you provided.

import { Service } from '@sern/handler'

export default commandModule({
// ...
execute: (ctx) => {
const client = Service('@sern/client');

import Tabs from '@theme/Tabs'; import TabItem from '@theme/TabItem';


  • Services cannot be called in other services while makeDependencies is forming.

Lets pass a logger into our database.

await makeDependencies({ 
build: root => root
//Overriding the default logger provided.
.upsert({ '@sern/logger': single(() => new Logger()) })

// Wiring our logger into the database.
.add(ctx => {
return { database: single(() => new Database(ctx['sern/logger']))) }
await makeDependencies({ 
build: root => root
//Overriding the default logger provided.
.upsert({ '@sern/logger': single(() => new Logger()) })

// Wiring our logger into the database.
// We wire our database incorrectly. Logger should be passed INTO the constructor
.add({ database: single(() => new Database()) })
import { Service, makeDependencies } from '@sern/handler';

//Calling Service prematurely!
const logger = Service('@sern/logger');

class Database {

constructor() {
this.logger = logger

This is a code smell anyway. It breaks encapsulation and defeats the purpose of wiring dependencies

  • Services can only be used after sern has made dependencies.

    • Calling a service before will crash your application.
  • Services can be safely used outside of commandModules.

    • Be careful to not cause too many side effects.
  • You will need to wire dependencies together.

await makeDependencies(...pass your options here)
// This is guaranteed to be defined if configured correctly
import { Service } from '@sern/handler';
const client = Service('@sern/client');
import { Service, makeDependencies } from '@sern/handler';
const logger = Service('@sern/logger');

await makeDependencies()
  • Services can only be used after sern has made dependencies.
    • Calling a service before will crash your application.
  • Services can be safely used outside of commandModules.
    • Be careful to not cause too many side effects.
  • use Service for single dependency.
  • use Services for multiple dependencies.